I knew this June Lake trip would be a success when Meghann stepped out of her car at a resting stop
wearing the exact outfit I was. Meghann and I have always been compared for our latina-flavored looks, extroverted personalities, and just our pure likability. But out of all our 500,000 outings, the event of us dressing similar has
never happened before, until today. Meghann informed any person who looked at us oddly that this was all planned and it was actually our 18th birthday as twins. On the other hand, I corrected her in saying that this was not supposed to happen and she was just going out of her way to be me.
Shows our true love for each other. 
The Murphy's and us went out to dinner at La Catina, where the second we walked in we all received much attention. Besides the fact that there are 7 girls & 2 guys, our matching outfits and Cheyenne's loud mouth helped us make friends with everyone. Chadley also kept informing the waiter that she was indeed underage and shouldn't be served "any alcohol or an ounce of liquor" and Chey kept pronouncing each Spanish dish as a whitey. Tomorrow's dinner is gonna be hard to top this one.
Guess whose the gimp?! Katie's painful look on her face would make it seem that she was the Murphy girl suffering from a sprained knee, but in reality Meghann is the one in possession of the crutch. You see, Meghann sprained her knee four days ago at a dance class. Excluding the mocking and sporadic crutch-removal maneuvers, we have been patient with the fact that she's been dragging down our pace and causing us to detour.

This is
"Chadley Zesty Baker" aka my roomie.
I was lucky enough to be stuck in a car with this girl for five hours. I slept 90% of the car ride, only woken up four times by her awkward staring and/or her mating calls to the wildlife around us.
Chadley caused Chuck to learn the value of patience at the dinner table. Chadley not only entertained our table, but also all those around us. As I was getting ready to go to bed next to Chadley, she reminded me,
"I have spaz-attacks in my sleep. Oh, and I sleep with one eye open."