This morning, Katie Murphy and I left for EFY this morning at a whopping 10am. That was a stretch for me and Katie due to the fact we are on summer time, plus we both
procrastinated on our packing and were forced to squeeze in some time before taking off to Salt Lake City, Utah.
This year marks my third year of EFY in Provo, Utah-
which in my opinion is the place to go for EFY. Because Katie is
an EFY-virgin, she was so excited and had no clue what to expect.
We both looked at this experience as pre-look at what rooming together in college would possibily be like. I am curious to see how this will turn out, because me and Katie are complete opposites. I am a complete slob and see no harm in living in a room with no visible floor and piles of clothes in every corner. Katie, on the other hand, has OCD and has to have everything in order and perfectly tidy and organized.
So this week will be an adventure, for sure.
your blog pictures are very nice
why just park...
Linux Help Discussion forum
Aman Toor
jolly arora
thanks for a) stealing my words and pictures.
and b) well thats it.
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